Who knew?

By InOtherNews

I demand

I demand my rock n roll with blood, sweat and tears
I demand my reggae to cause bleeding in my ears,
I demand my punk rock to start a revolution,
I demand my hardcore to sound like an execution,

I demand love that isn't measured by the relationships of the characters on friends, or by some dire R n B track about what a man, what a mighty good man is.

They tell me I'm just pissed off, yeah well maybe I'm pissed off, but I'd rather be pissed off, than be pissed on

Jonnie 'Itch' Fox

Kinda sums up the way I'm feeling at the moment I think. Getting a bit sick of being force fed drivel, carries on from my Tesco rant the other day. I turned Radio One on by accident and got the same nasty noises I was hearing a year ago. Radio 2? Same tunes I was hearing 20 years ago. Where is the music to make a difference these days?

Similarly the whole pissed off / on thing in the chorus really sums up my mood as well. I bust a gut half the time to please people, to keep them happy and to do what they want and not once does it seem those people extend me the same courtesy. Last night (without going into specifics) I REALLY burned my bridges with regards to a recent issue. Why do I not listen? I'm worse at listening than a politician. Apart from David Blunkett as I reckon he's probably got a much keener sense of sound. Is he a politician still?

So here I am same old same old. I'm a person who has plenty to say but never learns by mistakes. A bit like a lemming, although I guess they learn by not getting a second chance to jump off a cliff. I'm more like our old budgie. It used to get out every day and fly straight into the window. It'd knock itself out and we'd pick it up and put it back in its cage. The next time it got out, straight back at the window again. Eventually it got out while we weren't there and knocked itself out and our cat Treacle found it first. She wasn't so accomodating with the whole 'back in the cage' thing, but needless to say she didn't touch Whiskas food for at least two days after dining on that gourmet budgie-style shit.

Maybe theres a lesson for me to learn there.

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