Life on the edge...

By bru22

Presents for a geek...!!

Yey! Geek presents!

I have spent most of today plonked on my sofa sorting out my to do pile. What fun... NOT.

I am feeling much better by the way, for those following blippers. I managed to get back on my feet after a lazy morning and did 2 hours of teaching. I decided it was best to take the morning off to get my head back in order and eat some proper food. As proper as lentil soup and a cookie from Fran's gets...

I popped into Staples on my way home, this is a very exiting shop for an organisation, money, gadget loving geek...!! So I decided to get myself a petty cash box... A new calculator (which matches my phone + iPad... Sigh...) and a single cash book.

Considering one of my many job titles is "accounts administrator" you'd think my own accounts are really rosey and organised... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... I wish!

I spend all day sorting out my companies accounts so my own accounts get left to rot as I don't even want to look at pennies/invoices/tax by the time I get home... Instead I turn the pennies into wine and drink them!! - burning a hole in my pocket!! I don't have any pocket left now, just a hole...

I've decided I'm going to keep track of every last penny going in and out... (I think I may get a shock!!!) so from today onwards... Let's see how long I last... And how much money I can save!! I'm blipping this as a kick in the arse to maybe get me to do it properly...

"out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."
Albert Einstein

P.s. ...trying to open a can of irn bru between your legs whilst you are driving makes you look like you've pissed yourself...!

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