In My Life...

By steeble

Knot the Brightest Bulb

Went to Newcastle today to get an outfit for my mates wedding in a few weeks. Decided to first of all go for some food. Had no idea what I fancied but ended up going to Zizzis for the first time. Was really nice.... for starters I had calamari and for main I had a pizza. It was the biggest pizza I've ever seen. The pizza must of been about 22" wide. Ste vs Food.... Ste won! That was about 2pm.... its now 8:40pm and I can still barely move. Also after eating so much I was really bloated so it was pointless going shopping. I still did though and got 3 tops and some wrist tat(nothing for the wedding... maybe next time)

Anyway as I was walking into Zizzis I seen these interesting twisted light bulbs hanging in the entrance all at different heights. then I looked straight up one from below and this is what you see here(after a little cropping of the black ceiling. I like how it just disappears and fades into the background and you cant see the light fitting.

Hope you find it as interesting as I did. :-)

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