In My Life...

By steeble

Why did the chicken cross the road?

......As if I was going to hang around to find out! Its one of them questions that should never be answered! I wasn't going to be the wisest bloke ever known to mankind by actually finding out.

Today I was going to have a look to a car meet that had been arranged for a recently new north east car club. However it didn't go ahead to to lack of interest. Shame as I'd washed, waxed and polished the car... same with the alloys and then put a nice coat of tyre shine on. Cars gleaming now. Might pop out for a drive later with some mates so it'll not go to waste.

Anyway with having nothing else planned I took myself off for a walk around Beamish museum. This time I went to the farm area. There were some lambs that had just been born this morning. Was quite cute watching them try to stand up and shaking. The tiny little noises from them were quite funny, I did photo them but the mother was being a bit protective so I left them to it.

I chose this picture not because its the best I took because I really dont think it is but it made me laugh. I hope you find it as stupidly funny as I did. It actually looks like the chicken is looking to see if any cars are coming.

You can see my other pictures from Beamish museum here, here and here.

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