Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

The alleys of St Peter Port #6

So happy blip is back!!!!
I managed to get out before the rain set in... well with no morning fix of blip I had no reason to stay in. I had a flight of steps in mind for todays blip but snapped a few shots on the way and when I got back home I liked the circle of cobbles so a quick colour pop and here is today's blip.

This is on the edge of town just at the far end of what has been called The Old Quarter. There are some quaint shops but sadly far too many empty shops as well. I'm not sure whether it will every be the buzzing centre that was envisaged because there simply isn't any parking nearby and walking is not something that seems to happen here. People keep asking me how I cope without a car and when am I going to get one...

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