Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

A glimpse of the sun...

I've just noticed that yesterday's entry has hit the spotlight! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and hearts that sent it there. That's a really good way to celebrate the last day of the old Blip site. I hope the happy glow will keep me going until the new site rises like a Phoenix ;-))

I was supposed to be trying to shoot on manual today but just before I went out I read a comment from IWCharters who commented that the D610 tends to overexpose. Well I had another lightbulb moment; I'm not sure that I'd even remembered that exposure compensation existed and I certainly hadn't used it for many a month. But I had noticed that my D7100 constantly overexposed so I imagine this one does too. Maybe moving down a notch of exposure is what I need rather than low ISO.

So I looked at the manual and found how to adjust exposure; turned it down a notch and set off. I got some decent shots and there was a marked improvement on those taken from the Castle Breakwater looking back towards the town. Previously the town was always far too light.

But as always I liked the really dark shot best...

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