From the Train Window

Went to my parents' today, and I also met one of my Mum's old friends while I was there. She called to bring a Christmas card and my Mum was very pleased to see her and her little dog Roly!

I took this messing about with my camera on the train!

All my cards that needed just a stamp are now sent and I'm up to date with wrapping presents, though I am still awaiting a couple of deliveries! We did the Tesco food shop tonight too. We didn't go mad - we always end up with too much, so we tried to err on the side of caution. The shops are only closed for two days anyway! There are a few things that got forgotten. The tree's up after a fashion too!

I was hoping we would go out somewhere tomorrow but it doesn't seem likely now, so I will run a few errands and also try to make my house bear a bit less resemblance to  the local tip instead. What fun!! Needs doing though!

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