Christmas Cookies

I'm pretty sure that I posted these last year too, but this is all I did today--rolled out dough, cut the cookies out, baked them, sprinkled them, & I still have about another 75 cookies to finish before I'm done.
These cookies are the family favorite--my grandma made them every year for Christmas as we were growing up , & even though they all taste exactly the same, there was always fighting over who got which ones. The reindeer were the most sought after, followed by the santa. No one wanted the bells or the chickens, as those were the most common! 
It's so funny--all these years later-- to put a plate out on Christmas Day & to still hear my brothers & sister, as well as  all the nieces & nephews as they madly scramble to get the reindeer before someone else eats them all, or to try to pawn off one of the chickens on one of the younger kids in exchange for their santa cookie! 
When my grandma died years ago at the age of 92, my mom called & asked if there was anything of hers that I would like...I asked for her cookie cutters! My grandma must just look down on us all & get a good chuckle watching us! I can still hear her voice saying "Don't fight over them! They're all the same!" :)

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