
By dfb24

Dusting of Snow

We got a little dusting of snow during the night--not enough to make it difficult to drive & not enough to make it necessary to shovel....just enough to make it look really soft & pretty when I got up to go to work this morning. It had just started to snow again around 11:00 when one of my co-workers spotted window washers on scaffolding outside our windows! Now maybe it's just me, but doesn't it seem counter-productive to wash windows-- 3 stories above the ground-- when it's not only really cold but when there's wet, slippery snow coming down? Seems more like a spring job to me! We didn't hear any "first response" calls though, so we assumed they finished the windows & got down safely! When I left work, everything looked so pristine with the new coat of snow, so I stopped & took this on the way home, & now I'm settled in with a cup of coffee while my husband cooks us spaghetti for dinner! Nice! :)

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