The Woodpecker Condominium

It wasn't raining very hard this morning, so OilMan, Ozzie and I got out for our morning walk for the first time together in awhile.  Our narcissus has come up, unseasonably early,  just in time to get beaten to the ground by wind and rain, but It seems little phased. It keeps blooming from where it lies on the ground! 

Despite the continued drenching, some things are thriving. The hills (and our front lawn) are turning green again, and our lemon tree has lots of lemons on it. The creek across the street is roaring, and the birds coming to the feeder are wearing their brightest vestments of blue, red and gold. When OilMan went out to refill the feeder this morning, three woodpeckers sat there glaring at him with their crazy eyes and scolding him. They seem quite testy in the rain!*

We passed a woman, talking on her phone, and pushing a stroller with a little girl in it immersed in a book open in front of her. The question burning in my mind was "why bother with the walk?" 

We are happy to hear that we have had 245% of normal rainfall this month, and the reservoirs are filling up, but it was nice to have a little break to get outside. It would appear that wishing for rain has become a case of "be careful what you ask for".

*The one I caught on top of a telephone pole this morning looks a bit grumpy, but it is the pole itself that tells a story. It is a veritable woodpecker condo!

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