
By SeaGypsy49

A grey morning.

Good thing I didn't get out of bed early expecting to get the sunrise. This was taken a bit before 9.00am. There was even a few spots of rain when I was down on the beach taking this. However, by late morning the sun was shining and there were white fluffy clouds in a blue sky. Such a contrast from this scene. It was taken in colour, not B&W!!
Took the dogs for walk today, PJ dropped us off about 2km from home, and we came around the beach as the tide was on its way out. (We have a 12ft rise & fall here in the Kenepuru Sound)
They found a stoat under a big rock on the beach, and after a lot of yelping, barking and digging, they got it out. That is the 4th one that we have seen this year. Normally we don't see any at all.
Then they found themselves a possum as well. So they had a good day, doing what little dogs do best.
As we went to leave the beach, I saw a Kingfisher sitting on a rock on the side of the bank.  Poppy had disappeared, and Gypsy was behind me. With the camera out, and me getting closer and closer, it just sat there. Then suddenly Gypsy decided she was going to go along the bank, about 6 inches behind the bird! She hadn't even seen it until it flew away. Luckily, she got such a surprise, she didn't get it.

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