
By SeaGypsy49

Where the water supply is.

In this piece of native bush, there is a little stream and that's where a house gets its water supply from. As the place as been vacant for a while, the water system isn't working. So it's not a case of ring up and get it turned back on, but someone has to go and  do it.
PJ has the job of getting it going again. He went up there yesterday, and found several tanks, a broken dam and numerous pipes. As he described it "a cobweb of pipes". The dogs and I went with him this afternoon to see if any of the tanks had filled up, after the bit of work he did yesterday. Sucess! a couple of the tanks were full, now he just has to figure which pipes takes the water where......
I'm off to town tomorrow to pick up Craig, another  5 hours of driving to and from Blenheim. PJ has several boat trips for the water taxi, plus trying to find time to work on the water supply.
Today and tomorrow busy with the water taxi, first time for ages. Then 2 days with no boat work at all, unless someone rings up at the last minute.
I did a bit of re-arranging in the garden today, PJ had brought some rocks up for me yesterday. But as I was putting one in place, I caught my finger between two rocks. Now have a finger tip going various shades of red, purple etc. Will try and get some seedlings to plant around the rocks while in town.

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