Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


Can you tell what movie we were watching tonight? Frozen! I didn't expect to enjoy it but it was entertaining.  So I did my usual - put a movie on for the kids, then instead of being busy, I end up sitting down, getting sucked in to the story and getting zilch done for an hour and half!
One of the advantages of projecting the film on to the wall (old curtain as the screen) is that you get to make silly shadow shapes at the end! This is Amber's hands making antlers on Elise's head.
We then toasted marshmallows on the fire - yum.

The house is still in furniture rearranging chaos. My Sister arrives tomorrow, she's staying with us over Christmas, so I'm hoping that we get it in to some semblance of normality before she arrives.  That'll be difficult as I'm also hoping to finish my pressie shopping tomorrow too.
Last minute? Moi?
Shampooed my Mum's carpets today and got force fed (not really) a mince pie (Mr Kipling - not fab) so...
Mince Pie Count: 16 (yikes - not even Christmas yet.)


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