The Great Blippish Fake Off Showstopper!

Before judging, please take a minute to bear in mind I have not decorated a cake since I was at school! I won that one but it was 30 years ago! I wish I had a little bit more patience and time to do this one, but by the skin of my teeth its done. I'm a bit embarrassed by my efforts which is why I made a collage to make the picture smaller! but I have to remember its just a bit of fun! So here you have JazzyB's Blippish Fake Off Showstopper of a cake! I understand LadyG and Dave the Rave will be judging as Charlotte J's husband Chris decided to book a little trip during the judging!  Please all be kind!

Anyway, I shall be leaving for Heathrow shortly to pick up Mr W who is coming home after spending 12 days in New Zealand. He's bringing his daughter home who has been over there studying Film Production for a year. (can anyone offer her a job!!!) I'm sure her family will be very pleased to see her. And I shall certainly be pleased to be able to close the 'Bank Of Daddy' account that Mr W has been working so hard on nights to put money into. Unfortunately the nights will continue for a bit longer as the Bank Account was a credit card and money doesn't grow on trees!! Sadly. All children (his and mine) are all now grounded!!

Its been an experience not having Mr W here. We are joined at the hip, go everywhere together (except some of his Squash matches - they are a bit boring!) and do everything together. I haven't had longer than a few days on my own, ever. The longest we have been apart was when I was in hospital a few years ago but I was in cuckoo land so didn't really know what was going on! Its been nice being able to do as I please, leave the washing up if I want to, spend half an hour in the cold with my camera waiting for tree lights to come on, make a mess in the kitchen with Christmas sprinkles and most of all have a Christmas with my Babies, none of which I could do with him here, but I'm so looking forward to having him back. Having someone to share my day with, someone to cuddle and keep me warm at night. My car dying wasn't great timing with him away but I'm proud of myself for sorting it all out without his help. I didn't even tell him what happened until I was all sorted as I didn't want him worrying.

And the next time he goes away - I'm going with him!!!

Sorry for the long write up. That's it for today. I'm off to get my husband. Have a good day all.


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