
By Memories4Me

The Stocking...

Dear Diary,

I don't usually hang up a stocking for myself although memories of the hand made ones from my childhood are still cherished.  We would always go to the stockings first and there was usually an orange in the toe!  Emerson, of course, has his own stocking that Santa Paws will fill on Christmas Eve with cat treats and catnip mice.  All our pets growing up had their own stockings...we left no one out!

But my cousin M was staying with me recently and brought this whimsical one for me to hang.  I thought it was quite charming and so like her that hanging it simply makes me smile and think of her.

That is what Christmas has become for me now.  Thinking of ways to make the dear people in my life smile and feel good about who they are.  We each approach the Christmas season in such different ways and each is a wonderful reflection on who we are and that, in itself, is a great gift.

Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn't come from a store.

Dr. Seuss

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