Life on the edge...

By bru22

Outside the wrong box.

Paul Arden's books.. It's not how good you are, it's how good you want to be and Whatever you think, think the opposite are in my eyes, two of the best books I have ever bought because as I blip this in 2012 you can still buy real books...

If you haven't read them or even heard of Paul Arden GO-OGLE!!!

They are all about thinking outside of the box.

Sadly, today, I have been thinking outside what I think must have been the wrong box...!

I started the morning by sending this email to one of our suppliers at work...

"Dear Supplier A,

I hope you are well.

I have sent out a cherub to the address stated on your invoice.

Kind Regards,

Accounts Administrator."

Second Email:

"Sorry, I mean a cheque!!"

Spellcheck 1 - Bru 0

Yes, this was an actual email (ok I have omitted the names) But apart from that, exact email I sent out this morning, for the recipient to respond...

"I think I would have preferred a cherub!!!"

I appear to have no control over the words coming out of my mouth or the ones I type into emails today...

I took some paperwork into the sales office. And you know when you say something that totally sits right in your head but once you've said it you're like ohhh lordddd please let me roll those words back into my mouth...

I accidentally dropped some paperwork I was passing over to my colleague on the floor... I quite like said colleague, she makes me laugh and we have a giggle... (the lesbians of the office...) She seems to think we all think she is a little lazy... Little bit unfit... And to this... I meant to make a joke out of making her do a little exercise... But what I ended up saying after I accidentally dropped the invoice on the floor in front of her... Was...

"sorry, I was just trying to get you to bend over..."

I said this with a completely straight face... It wasn't until I had left her office that I then stuck my head back through the door and Apologised for sounding proper dodgy!!!

She was in fits of laughter...

I will never live that down...

I left work today in a FOUL mood... As my boss was yet again down right rude. Our chef at work walked out yesterday in tears... i am glad i was off sick as it would have been tough not to just up and leave with her. I am not surprised at all... She has been signed off for 2 weeks with stress related to work!!! Such a shame!!! No one should be driven to that...

I think I'll keep my eyes out with some job hunting...


I have had a great night teaching... Which has brought my mind back up to level...

To top off my word fails of the day, I thought I had had a breakthrough with a pupil who is a little ALOT autistic...

When she said...

"miss, I really like quavers" ...

as I had started to teach her what a quaver note was (a half beat note to those non musicians).. I said...

"oh Yey! Does this mean you want to play more fast music like this...

"no it just makes me hungry"

Oh.. So you just like the crisps...

"yes, miss."



What a day...

Back-blipping due to 3 network being down in my area for the next 3 days...

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