
By tpd

all gone

First day of the holidays: not restful. Off to Southgate first thing to get the turkey and veg, and get some last minute presents then back to the ranch for chores and lunch. Post lunch it was a cycle up to the park with +1/3 followed by a wee cuddle with +3/3 before heading off to a carol service. Back for dinner, writing letters to Santa, bath and bed, an hour of Skyfall with +1/3 (he's allowed to stay up later than the younger two) then wrapping, turkey prep. and a brief catch up... 


Today's picture was taken at Grovelands Park lake - a close second is here but also possibly this

I can hear the bells tolling for midnight mass at the local churches which can mean only one thing: time to get some sleep before the very excited +3s wake us up unfeasibly early tomorrow...

Music for today was non-existent. Other than carols of course. Bah. 

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