Typical NZ Christmas day

Wishing everyone in this wonderful blipping community an enjoyable Christmas.

 went for a walk along the lake again this morning.  I had assumed I'd be blipping the lake today, but instead of the lake itself I was drawn to this scene.  The old shearing shed sitting deserted in a field of long dry grass.  It just seemed so typical of the MacKenzie area that it begged to be blipped.

It seemed to me that this is the sort of scene that lends itself to mono, but then it wouldn't show our typical NZ summer sky.  And in NZ Christmas is all about barbeques, picnics, swimming and relaxing in this sunshine.

When I first woke this morning I had an urge to visit the wee cairn I built for Blaze on the roadside when I was here last October.  I took a drive out towards the Lindis and stopped at the right place but the cairn wasn't there.  I knew I had the right place so I took a look around and realised that someone had disassembled my cairn and added the rocks to theirs.  How rude!  I knew they had because I had scratched his name into a quite recognisable one, which they had topped theirs with.  So I found other rocks (NOT off anyone else's cairn) and built him a new one, putting his named stone on top.  

I chatted to him (myself) while I did it - just as well there weren't many travellers on the road that early on Christmas morning!  So I don't think any kids were traumatised on Christmas day by the sight of a crazy lady with mad hair (think Krusty the Clown or Sideshow Bob) talking to herself as she carried rocks around on the roadside.

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