Porty People and Places 25th December, 2014.

Christmas Greetings from Portobello Beach, Edinburgh!

The frame, from an inspiration by CaptureAThought, took some balancing on the sands this morning. Nothing to do with an over indulgence on Christmas sherry. All to do with the fineness of the grains of sand!

The empty frame is for all our absent friends who are not with us, and their families,  this Christmas time.  

It is also for all those caught up in the aftermath of The  George Square  disaster in Glasgow.

Christmas can be such a happy time  and such a sad time too.

Having spent 6 months of 2014 living in The Gulf we are also thinking of  all those who do not celebrate Christmas today and our hope for 2015 is that some more of the real meaning of Christmas,  the teachings of the Kur'an, the thoughts of The Buddha  and all the other great faiths of our global community strive to find a more mutual communion, tolerance and understanding of each other.

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