When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Infrared Death

Christmas eve had been set aside as the day of Epic Day. Any festive spirit had to be generated in the following hours. 

Epic day began with the final bits of shopping. Then me and Riot took ourselves to the Panto. Riot hadn't seen a Scottish panto and found it all quite alarming in places. Bit too much innuendo on front of the kids she reconned. The kids were too distracted with their sweeties and flashing lights to notice if you ask me.

Post Panto, we went for dinner in the hanging bat. Then we went to see the final part of the Hobbit (wasn't bad but stretching it to three films definitely left not much to happen in the final part).  

We rounded off our evening with the Bojack Horseman Christmas special and various sweet treats. Festive spirits achieved.

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