
This was fun
The wind in my fur
The smell of the sea
The screeching of the gulls
Er…Well maybe just the wind thing I think. I was probably getting a bit carried away with the rest but the ferry to Sausalito today was a great decision and I really did enjoy the outing as did The Boss’s camera too. 
Sausalito for those that don’t kno is across the bay on a ferry or Golden Gate bridge on a bus from the city and a different world of smart eating places, fascinating shops and a really boutique feeling that we all enjoyed. The Boss’s credit card suffered some damage but seems to have survived to purchase the breakfast yogurt and fresh raspberries at the Walgreens a block away.
OH and as suggested by my followers I continued to wear my Chrissy hat and get great comments while out and about.
Sort of a Boxing day statement I guess.
Oh and Brarking news. In the Pub foyer when we got bark there was this very pretty girl with a wonderfully groomed Labradoodle in her arms offering free cuddles.

The Boss was in like a shot but disappointed to find it was the dog that was available for cuddling but did anyway (cuddle the Dog…OK?)

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