
Bracking News
My Goodness “Twas” not only hit the spotlight but broke a century as well. I never realised that Boxing Day sales were so popular but I can report that the retail spend on this day was a total New Zealand all time record. It appears the economy is in grrreat shape. It is important to note however that our local Vet where The Boss gets my Grub was closed and the grub was NOT on special BUT he does get every 10th bag free. He says that he values me far too much to buy discounted grub from dubious sources. Gosh that sorta gives me a warm fuzzy hungry feeling…eh?

The Day dawned with The Bossess restless for a walk so we decided to do, The Millennium track. The whole track and nothing but the track and all 12 km of it.

One cannot do this without a plan and the plan was to drive to the Glendhu Bay end of the track and walk from the Suzz to home (via Edgewater and emergency Coffee / Diet Coke) and then get The Bossess’s car and drive back to pick up Suzz.

Oh I had a wonderful time with numerous drink stops, followed by numerous Burp stops and altho I had to stay on lead most of the time (rabbit control off track) I did have numerous stickathons and got very tired. Once home I apparently showed little interest in events, even when the 56 piece brass band walked past the house playing “Somewhere over the rainbow”

….Er…..Sorry but THAT didn’t actually happen it’s just that The Boss gets mischievous when he is tired.

We left about 9.00 am and the lighting at that time was very exciting with cloud patches scudding across the sky. The Bossess (bless her) first noticed this tree and The Boss got excited enough to put his iPhone back in his pocket and dig the camera out of the pack. Well that has to be good...Eh?

Oh…And all our thoughts are with the poor folk in the UK, Europe the USA with the terrible weather they are having. Like everybody, we all like to complain about the weather but these poor folk really do have something to complain about.
Please stay safe and dog walking is postponed forthwith.

By Order

Queen Tussock

Bigger Ripples

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