Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Snow shock

Went out yesterday evening and it was snowing, but, by the time we got home again it was raining. All but a few flakes had disappeared by this morning.

At 8:30am dad called to say that roads around them were quite atrocious. He was panicking because we were due to go up today. Only 50 miles away and conditions were so different - I though he was being a little over dramatic as parents can be. The news was however awash with stories of abandoned cars and people stuck in their overnight. The pictures showed snow just an inch deep. That reinforced the idea that it was all being overblown as is usually the case.

We left it until early afternoon before we set off and the there was little sign of snow as we set off up the M69. There was a dusting on Old John as we turned north up the M1. It slowly got a little deeper as we headed further North. At Jn27 we came off and there was just one of the two exit lanes open and that had snow still in the middle. Main roads were just one lane with slush and snow - it was getting worse quite quickly over a distance of just two miles. 

The turn up the road to my parents was sheet ice and packed snow with three to four inches standing where it hadn't been disturbed. Cleared snow stood in piles up to four feet deep. 

We stayed for tea and then called in my sisters for a few minutes on the way back. Their road is notorious with a nice little hill and a turning with a nice adverse camber. Coming back down is even more fun!

FANTASTIC - Just what Land Rovers love :-)
Into snow mode, point it where you want to go, gently squeeze the accelerator and go!
No dramas!

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