
By CoffeePotter


En-route to an "afternoon do" at some friends' house in a village near Evesham, we stopped at Bidford to take a few photos, as the light was so lovely. 
The large building on the left used to be a pub/hotel and when I was expecting our son, our car broke down in Bidford one evening, very near to this bridge.  Whilst we waited for the AA to arrive, C went into the hotel to explain that I was pregnant and could I use their toilet, and they replied "No. There's a public toilet in the village. Use that one." I must be like an elephant - I've never forgotten that.  I'm not sure what the building is now, but it's changed hands several times in the intervening years, so please don't go throwing bad eggs at the windows next time you pass! 
Today it was bitterly cold by the river, and when we left the party about 6 pm, it was below freezing.
We're now home and about to curl up in front of a warming log fire. I was the driver today, so I'm going to have a nice glass of red wine in a minute, now we're back.

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