The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Supermacro frost on hard standing. Not quite the result I'd expected, but I was in a rush because I had a couple of things to do before meeting a mate for coffee in town. It was extraordinarily cold and frosty out, so I wore about fifteen layers. Understandably, I got quite hot!

Mr Twitchetts, where we'd planned to meet, was closed for the duration of the holidays. I could see people decorating inside. Black Books was closed because it's Monday. Woodruffs had a queue going out of the door. So we went to JRools bistro and got chatting for so long I that had to ring CleanSteve and ask him to pick me up and take me straight to my teaching job. Oops!

Back at home, I made soup and salad. We are off on a long road trip tomorrow with our friends Pip and Mary, so in a moment I have to go and sort out my funeral clothes. Our destination is the West coast of Cumbria, miles from major roads. Sandwiches and fortitude will be required. Luckily, I can 'do' both, and Mary and I can play at being our alter egos, the (fictitious) 19th Century British explorers, Chivers and Carruthers.

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