
By PJG844

Everytime I Eat Vegetables It Makes Me Think of Yo

Despite having cleared the wood from the chicken house I spent most of the day trying desperately trying to sort out 3 years of filing. One positive is that I can see a lot more of the desk top but there's still so much to sort out, especially as several things have happened in the last few years. Is it possible to like the taxman? I don't think so. So many things to find and resolve.

In the pic is a freezer we put in the byre. It's situated in what I would call the sitting room. At least, that's what the layout implies and, yes, that is a pallet it's sitting on. Calm down, ladies, it's taken. The room still has lots of things we haven't unpacked (that's 3Ms R/C car, that is. Not mine) plus kitchen cupboards and cabinets I've taken out of the house to be used in the byre ….. eventually. There's is also an extremely nice, heavy, old panelled door resting against the wall to the right. What I'm going to do with it I don't know but I'm not getting rid of it.

Why would I want to take a picture of the freezer? Because Dinky's home today.

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