Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Old Parish Pumps #4

After yesterday's gruesome entry in the old alleys series I thought I'd give them a rest and return to the series of old parish pumps.This one is halfway down Mount Durand and is very well maintained. Below the pump the road is narrow and very steep but above it is much wider and grander. When I was about 10 my best friend lived up the road from here and I loved going to play there because their house was on 3 storeys and we could go right to the top to play; and her mum used to make homemade crisps.  I was also fascinated because she lived at No 101; there are very few streets in Guernsey long enough to have houses numbered over 100. Strange how you think as a kid...

For those who prefer colour, there are a couple of options here, here and here.

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