Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A year on....

I can't believe its been a year today that I collected Misty from a farm situated in the middle of nowhere on the Cumbria, Northumberland and Scottish border!  She was a frightened little thing who had never been in the car before or lived in a house which made life interesting for the first few daysl  It didn't take long however for her to get her feet well and truly under the table.

She's gone from being frightened to death of the car to absolutely loving it.  She was frightened of other dogs and now all she wants to do is round them up and play chase with them.   She no longer barks at people when meeting them out walking although she does bark at people in the house!  She's still a bit rough around the edges and like a bull in a china shop at times, well she is still a juvenile :)  but what the heck, she's a very loving and affectionate dog  and I'm very lucky to have her.  Looking forward to doing some travelling with her next year.

So today's blip is Misty one year on getting through the gate her favourite way, far too impatient to wait for me to open it for her!!

Happy New Year blippers :)

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