The Force……

……is strong in this one. 
Called out the Storm Troopers to help me with this shoot.  They came in very handy for moving the props and keeping them in the right place.  Thanks Lads.
Who would have believed that a message from Lainymac two years ago would have led to this.  I’ve spent a fortune on camera stuff and now even own my very own crystal ball and I still take lots of rubbish pictures.  Cheers Lainymac.
I would like to thank all those that have posted encouraging comments over the period, I do like having a browse through your images and must admit that I’m very guilty of not always posting comments of my own.  I will try harder in the new year.
So there you have it 730 images in a row without a break.  I have actually surprised myself.
Although a lot has changed in Blip in the last few weeks I am hoping that all the creases will get ironed out so we can get back to all the things we were used to. (Please can we get rid of the white background)
One final thanks for Mrs F, no matter how hard I tried she has refused to come over to the dark side and start blipping.  I must however thank her for her patience and help along the way, without which I would never have made it.
A very happy and prosperous New Year to you all when it arrives.  Now, where is that glass.

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