Journey Through Time

By Sue

Happy New Year....

This is so pathetic that I don't even have a good New Year's Eve photo.  I tried for some birds, and perhaps I should have made a better effort, with tripod, coat, scarf, etc....but it was too cold, even with the winter sun shining down.  And the short days get away from me quickly, and then it's dark out...blah, blah, blah.  Bill had a coupon he got when we got the Christmas Tree for a price reduction at Krispy Kreme, so he went there tonight and got half a dozen donuts/doughnuts*.  These three remain and he can have them with his morning coffee tomorrow.    Krispy Kreme came late to the west coast, arriving with a big bang sometime in the 1990's I think.  You would have thought it was the Second Coming, with the publicity and with the line of cars waiting to get their hands on the fabled Krispy Kreme donuts/doughnuts.  We had our first taste when the first store opened in a suburb of Seattle.  We stopped there on our way to the San Juan Islands, if I remember correctly.  There were cops directing traffic, for crying out loud.  Same thing happened in Portland.  Now, it's just another donut/doughnut shop.  

Blessings to all of you for peace, prosperity, good health and excellent photos in 2015.  

*Either spelling is acceptable apparently....

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