Happy New Year

5years 72days 

Katie slept for FIFTEEN hours last night. Yes. Fifteen. 1-5. 15!! She woke up not long before 10am, unsurprisingly extremely bouncy and full of it. We did some tidying up, we did some playing, we both took long baths. Then at lunchtime our traditional New Year's Day kicked in, with the arrival of our lovely friends, the Harts. Katie immediately went into full performing mode and produced each of her favourite Christmas presents to demonstrate to them. We had a nice lunch together - Katie particularly enjoyed the popcorn - before she was insistent we go out for a walk in the woods. We wrapped up and her & Jaydn had a fabulous time in the mud and trees. 

When we got home, Katie and I hung out for a while, watching some TV (Mrs Pink, you were right, she loved Topsy & Tim, thank you!) and snuggled a lot. Despite the 15hour sleep, she was asleep before 7pm again. 

Happy 2015 to you all; I hope it brings joy, peace and love to you all. Katie and I have some exciting adventures ahead - my university graduation and her next dance show & exams in this coming month to start. Here's to a great year. 

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