'Relaxing with Tilly'

A really hot day here today with temps reaching the 40 degree mark.

We didn't leave the house today, just bunkered down, took down the Christmas Tree, backed up all of our photos off the computer, watered the garden and the animals, watched a documentary call 'Tim's Vemeer' (which was extraordinary if you're into famous oil paintings and artwork.)

Its just gone 9pm now and it's still sitting at 36 degrees outside and apparently we're in for even hotter tomorrow. Luckily on Sunday things are supposed to be cooling down to a nice mid 20's.

This is Bella sitting watching 'Bee Movie' with Tilly, the next door neighbours dog that we are looking after at the moment while they're away. Tilley always stays very close to Bella and you can tell she feels safe next to her.

Thanks to everyone for the great feedback on yesterday's new years fireworks too. Appreciate it.

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