Fun & Games.....

A very busy day for me, undressing the tree, which had 2 mysteriously broken baubles, one of which was nothing more left than the the little glass hook, and string!!1 All very odd, very very odd! I wonder who has broken it and tried to hide the evidence? I would really have liked to know what had been broken - oh well - not to worry!
Mr U&L and I spent all afternoon sorting out our bedroom and the wardrobes. I found a huge bag of old greetings cards etc, which make fascinating reading as most were from people long since deceased! I even found the little card from the 25 red roses Mr U&L gave me on our wedding day - so many memories!
Rosie and I played 'racing snails' which was good fun, even more so as the snails cost £1.99 for 2 in Wilko's!!
Happy weekend everyone.
Not sure what I feel about Polaroid Blipfoto yet, but do wonder if that was why all the changes happened :-)

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