Newton Point Walk

A walk for two around Newton Point this morning where we encountered this broken stile. Not an easy obstacle to negotiate at 83! Especially when most of this walk on this side of the bay is an easy walk on short grass paths. I need to report this to the footpath officer/ countryside service of Northumberland CC. Perhaps they could consider installing a kissing gate instead - much more accessible for the majority.

The flowers on the point are much delayed this year. There's no sign of flowers on the Yellow Rattle, which was going over at this time in 2011, but lots of cowslips, primroses, and White Campion. The thrift is just coming out on the headland but in flower closer to the castle.

We were tracked back along the edge of the bay by a Wheatear that insisted on keeping pace with us - even though it was a safe distance away.

Lunch at the golf club and then this afternoon my brother and I walked along Beadnell Beach to the Arctic Tern colony. Lots of activity from the terns despite the cold weather. I bet the wardens are longing for something a little warmer too, especially as they camp out on the dunes. We were pretty wet when we got back but it was well worth it.

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