
By YoAdrienne88

The Rock, Blue Hill Harbor

Spent the daylight hours recording myself read more about arctic and antarctic expeditions in "Endurance & Adventure," bringing in wood with Mom, and looking out at this rock where Noomi was last reported.

I never handled situations where closure isn't available very well.  This is perhaps the worst scenario of just that.  It's supposed to snow tonight.  I found myself wanting to pull out a kayak and set across the bay despite the freezing temperatures.  Part of me wonders if Noomi ended up on Long Island (the mass of trees in the background).  Part of me wonders if she's still in the water somewhere.

I honestly am not expecting any miracle....but it sure is hard to move forward with all this unknown.

There's something strangely poetic about the whole (awful) situation.  I noticed this in our names.  My name, Adrienne, means "woman of the sea" by some definitions; and her name, Noomi, has Swedish roots for "comfort and grace."  As a way to soften the blow of things, I try to imagine Noomi is still with me metaphorically and out there somewhere, waiting.

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