youngies journey

By youngie66


Well that's the festive period well and trully over now as most folks that visited Scotland over this time will have been making there way back to there respective countrys of origin by now and hopefully they will have great memories of there time up here in Scotland it will always be the best country in the world to me for sure, anyway I got out the house and took this shot from the front garden and then I planned to go see what else I could get so as I drove by the wee tesco I thought if I needed anything and after that I thought I canny be arsed so I headed back home, it felt like just one of those days when you toatlly want to chill out I had a chat with my mum and then it was a game of front door back door with Pepe the family cat he would go out the back door then a couple of minutes later he was wanting in the front then we would do the same all over again at this time of writing my blip we were at number five as he must be scenting a feline cat about what with his horny shenannigans on his furry blanket dearie me oh to be so flexible lol, anyway It's early to bed tonight as I'm up at 01:20am and I found out whilst on the phone to my brother that he will be working on my train to Glasgow and back as well that's good at least I have someone to supply me with a cup of tea and I should get a blether whilst were in Glasgow as we travel through as an empty train to start our service there anyway I have been looking at possibly treating myself to one of these high tech drones the one I fancy is the DJI Inspire 1 a really clever piece of kit dear as well but not only can you do video whilst flying it but you can take hd style photos from the air which could really make for some neat blips and at the touch of the button it can land or take off itself as well and hovver if you take your hands off the controller so I will be looking into that for sure boys and ther toys eh hmm anyway see what these drones can do with this wee clip that someone did up north in Scotland and look out for the Jacobite Steam Train as well with some breathtaking Scottishe scenery  BEAUTIFUL SCOTLAND GO BIG See Ya

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