Haha poor Sandra was roped into my blip tonight as we headed off to a Blipmeet at the Roseleaf Bar down near the shore in Leith organised by WhiskyFoxtrot unfortunately a few had to call off strugling with colds and flu so hope you all get well soon but it was nice to see Shandonner,Trev,JellyCat,CanCarrier along with WhiskyFoxtrot and her partner T, anyway it was a good night with a few beers and general chit chat as for my blip taken underneath the bridge that carries Waterloo Place to Regent Road this piece of art that illuminates both sides of the underside of the bridge change colours so I though I would get Sandra to pose in various shapes so I went with the "Y" more for the Surname Young but I can also post it on FB to wind my collegues that Sandra is in the YES camp for the big referendum in September lol anyway that was our day now then movie for the day is " Yes We Can 2012" See Ya

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