Sarahs Eyes

By sarah6916

After over a year off (almost 2 years I think!) I realised that I missed Blipfoto!  I missed the way that I have an incentive to get out with my camera.  The last time that I was on here I aimed to take a photo everyday but what with working full time and two reasonably young children, moving house and planning a wedding I really struggled to fit in taking one everyday and then I kind of felt that I had failed ...  So this year I am going to aim for two photos a week and if possible then add more!  As its been a while you'll have to excuse the slightly shaky start!

This was taken during a lovely trip to Arundel Wildfowl and Wetland Centre with Ian and Kirsten ...  unfortunately Bear has decided that he is far to cool / old to be seen out with us anymore so it is usually just the three of us these days!

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