Someone... taking their Fancy Dress costume seriously.

A good friend of my girlfriend and I (Simon) is going to be the big Four..Zero tomorrow, while his girlfriend has took him away this weekend my girlfriend has decided to work on her costume (props) for the impending party. Can you guess what/who she is going as?

The fancy dress party is next weekend which we are all very much looking forward to, the theme is "Great British Icon" which is quite open to interpretation but some are still undecided what they are going as.

Should be a good, fun blip next Saturday!?!?

Thanks for the kind messages on yesterdays blip, my girlfriend was delighted at the compliments and I felt just that little bit better with your well wishes.

Had another terrible night sleep and I was even hallucinating during the night, I only got to sleep when I took my first ever sleeping tablet (which I was not happy about). I think the worst of the manflu is over now so hoping too catch up on the Z's tonight.

Thanks for looking

Mr Bo Hingles 

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