

I've decided I'm going to be a bit more pro-active this year and use my time more wisely. So tonight I've had a huge clear out of my stuff at my mom and dads ready for my move to the house with a lot more space.

I've been ruthless with my clothes so charities can benefit, I would normally give them to the cancer research shop where my mom occasionally works but my sister has claimed them for Restart Africa where she has recently been doing her bit for the children.

Anyone that knows me will know I'm a bit OCD when it comes to boxes, if I still have the item I must keep hold of the box it came in. This passion does bring reward as when I've sold immaculate items on eBay I find if you have the packaging you get a lot more money.

Like I'm ever going to sell any of my Canon stuff though, these lenses will hopefully last my lifetime if well looked after and serviced.

I've also started my health kick today, not a single crisp, sweet or chocolate has passed my lips today which is just as well after how much I consumed over Christmas.

Mr Bo Hingles

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