wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Snow day

There are differences to the world after a snowstorm.
Every sound is muffled. Falling objects don't land with a clang or bang, but a whoompft. It's hard to describe the sound. Almost as if everything is wrapped in cotton batting. The air is crisp and when you take a breath in, the chill in the air takes it away as if it was on loan to start with.
Today was a day that was gray. No blue sky, no white fluffy clouds, no sun, no twinkling snow.
I think the Scots call it dreich? ....And boy spellcheck hates that word. Just hates it.
This is a weathervane on the equestrian center at Pineland Farms in New Gloucester Maine. ( I can't get the link thing to work from my iPad.)

The trees are all covered with a new dusting of snow. They are beautiful. Except there is no light. Seriously no light. But,
I still love it. When I wake up on these mornings it's like I am wrapped in a big blanket. In the distance I can hear a train, not a whistle but the horn. Muffled and sad sounding.
The day begs for hot chocolate and sledding. I miss cross country skiing. That was an awesome way to spend an afternoon.
Unfortunately, I have found Netflix and I am watching 7 years of "The West Wing" I love this show,
So I'll sign off for now. A true good evening and night to the north, and time to wake up to the Southern Hemisphere!
'Til tomorrow!

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