Addressing the Past

Easing back to normality after a full-on family festive fortnight which included Christmas (only 16 for dinner...), a wedding, three anniversaries (including ours), and a fab new year on Mull.
In between times I caught a terrible cold on Christmas Eve and knackered my Achilles' tendon (again) by doing some over-vigorous ceilidh dancing at my sister-in-law's wedding.
I fitted in some much-needed time writing the George Wyllie book this afternoon. I was spirited back in time to 1940 leafing through some letters sent to George by leading figures in the field of the Scottish variety scene of the day.
George wrote and composed some very catch ditties as a very young man. Had it not been for the war interrupting this particular creative flow, he may well have had a very different career trajectory. But then he was always firing on all cylinders.
I took this iPhone pic of entertainer, Jack E. Raymond's address as I was transcribing his reply to George feeding back on a song he'd send to him for consideration in Raymond's latest panto. These days you don't have to decypher handwriting much.

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