A Lost Boy......

Oliver looking quite the part this evening when we went to see him in a Chickenshed production of Peter Pan. 

What a fantastic show! Amazing set and flying effects, wonderful choreography, great young voices and a part for everyone.!

The Managing Director, Gill Dodge, has written in her welcome message in the program referring to the story of Peter Pan;

"In our real world, growing up is not a choice. As we progress towards adulthood, realities often crush our dreams and many never really discover who they could be or have the opportunity to pursue their potential.  For some, the labels society has placed on them makes their journey even harder..  At Chickenshed, underpinned by our inclusive ethos, everyone is given the chance to experience the art of the possible. In the performance ...today, there are many individuals who are on their own journey, delivering a powerful illustration of how collective belief can deliver  excellence without exclusion."

There were several children in wheelchairs in the cast and those with Specific Learning difficulties. I am delighted Oliver, able as he is, will learn from his time in this wonderful company

Just excellent!

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