
The first day back at work but no students in until tomorrow. Instead I listened to two people gabble at me for the first 15 minutes; led a training session which started badly due to no internet to be able to show my 'Call to Arms' video clip but improved based on colleagues being willing to get involved rather than just sit back in a post-Christmas stupor - for which I was very grateful; a meeting about next year's courses which could have been convoluted but was actually fairly straightforward and then a final meeting with a new and significant member of staff who, at one point, asked us to engage in a 'thought shower'. I'm hoping it was just first day nerves and not a sign of things to come...

I was out fairly promptly and as it was Bailey's first day back to being on his own, I came home via a newly located pet shop to buy him a treat. He ended up with two.

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