Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey


The forecast for today was heavy showers from around 09:30 but because the day started quite bright I thought they were going to pass us by and got the bus to Bordeaux. I had about 10 minutes walk from the Bridge to get to Bordeaux and by the time I got there the rain was just starting and once I'd taken a dozen or so pics I could see it was going to hammer it down. I also got to the main beach at Bordeaux to find that the road was closed so I didn't know whether the bus I'd aimed to catch from there was going to appear. So I walked past my brother's house (he wasn't home or I'd have knocked on the door!) and back to the Bridge to catch a bus home. I was completely soaked through by the time I got there but it had stopped raining and is now looking brighter.

I have to go into the tower at the Town Church this afternoon because we are having trouble with the ancient lock on the tower door and need a locksmith to look at it. I think it's possible to get outside at the very top of the tower so I shall investigate this with a future blip in mind...

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