Come dine with me...

There seems to be a little brood of Blue tits visiting our feeders at the moment - particularly nibbling on the buggy balls which they seem to love.

Again this morning it was a case of keep snapping and hoping that one of the shots will find a bird who just happened to pose for a moment in time.  This one obliged.

It was Flower Lady Pat's funeral today and we were able to send her on her way with some beautiful flowers in a beautifully relaxed service.  Pat had made most of the decisions about her funeral and it was a real joy to know that what we were doing was what Pat wanted.  We have recently started having refreshments in church before the funeral party goes on to the cemetery.  This works well and today, Pat stayed in church with us while we had our sandwiches, tea and coffee.  It was lovely and people were able to go and spend time just next to the wicker coffin to say their own farewells in their own time.  And the sun shone.

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