17th of May

The Norwegian national holiday....it was a good day. Erik walked in the parade and Daniel was with us.....probably for the last time I imagine. He was with us but wishing he was with friends. He is a bit at the strange in between age....not easy for him but he handled the day well, even though it wasn't quite how he wanted it :) After the parade we had lunch with E, B and their kids as well as Lars´parents - nice....this here is a foto of my E and his oldest friend J....I think I have a photo of them together from almost 17th of May - they would be fun to look at all together.

Afterwards we were at the school and then spent the evening with E and F and their family....lovely :) A very full day and we were all exhausted but it was fun and here in Norway the 17th is a big deal. With kids it ranks right up there with Christmas. Lots of ice cream, hot dogs and basically anything the kids want....I like how the day is centered around the children - it is a good focus.

Now it is already Friday morning and I need to get moving. I have a lot I want to do today. Including taking some photos!!

Have a lovely day!

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