Read y'all about it.

By Leejohnaire

Darth Ladybird

Thank you all for your kind comments and hearts and stars for yesterdays squirrel blip.  People do like squirrels don't they!

Today I took a few pictures in the garden, and whilst this is not the best picture I took, I took a shine to Darth Ladybird (Ladybug for the Americans).

This is Chilocorus stigma sometimes known as the Two-stabbed Lady Beetle (Lovely). It is a native species and a beneficial insect, and is useful in both natural wood stands and commercial forests such as Orchards and citrus groves. It is beneficial against non native species.  As I also saw an introduced 19 spotted Multi-coloured Asian Ladybird in the garden today on our oleanders, I am hoping we see more of this chap and his friends.


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