Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

A Butterfly Landed On My Finger

No, not on my finger.  It was a story Mr. Contraptioneer told over ten years ago, I needed to record some music, and Mr. Contraptioneer was available to help me record it and commit it to CD for a friend.  We spent several hours, him setting up the equipment, me playing my guitar and singing.  At one point I could hear him singing from behind the sound board, and I asked him to come join me on the microphone, and he did.

We weren't dating then, he was an old friend who was volunteering his time to help me to make a special gift for a friend who needed some encouragement.  After all the songs were recorded, he invited me to join him in the editing process and learn a bit about the equipment.  It was already late in the evening, but we worked together for several hours, then started the process over a couple evenings later to finish the job. 

I tried to thank him for his extravagant gift of time, energy and expertise, but he told me that it reminded him of the time he was in his grandmother's garden and a butterfly landed on his finger.  It was a wondrous thing, but when it flew away, it had left a butterfly turd.  Being a typical little boy, he tried to wipe it off, but found it difficult to get off and complained to his grandmother.  She assured him that his finger would wash, but he would never forget the day a butterfly landed on his finger. 

Well, I must admit, I was charmed by the analogy until the butterfly pooped on his finger.  It puzzled me just a little, but I decided that simply the fact that my visit reminded him of the day a butterfly landed on his finger must have been his way of telling me that, somehow, I was special. (it didn't occur to me until later that he might have been telling me that even if I poop on his finger and fly away, it was still a memorable time)

Today, after having removed the Christmas style decorations from our Christmas tree, leaving the white and red ones only, I added several red glittery butterflies, the perfect symbol of our love, I thought.  I even thought he would instantly know why I added them to the valentine see this entire next month will be the season of Valentine's...but he didn't..  Isn't love funny.  I started an entire indoor butterfly garden after that day recording with my love.  All this time, he must have thought I just liked butterflies.  Go really is blind :-)

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