Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

The final countdown

... 39 weeks down and one to go!

While it may look like Nikki has lost her patience with her ballooning belly (or maybe just with the photographer - note to self: maybe shouldn't take photos first thing in the morning!), she's been a real trooper for most of her pregnancy.

Despite now carrying an extra 40 pounds, she still manages to get out and about for a walk each day, play and roll around on the floor with the wee man, and carry him around whenever he decides Mama is a better mode of transportation (which is a lot recently). She even puts up with me most days, which is saying a lot!

However, I think she's ready to lose the enormous belly and meet the greedy grub inside. Time to break out the spicy curry and pineapple to kick start the labour!!

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